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Heavy Littering problem on Welford Road

Reported via mobile in the Rubbish (refuse and recycling) category anonymously at 09:48, Friday 22 March 2024

Sent to West Northamptonshire Council less than a minute later. ref: 5751852.

Some people who live in the area are Permanently leaving out their recycling boxes and lots of stacked cardboard and general household rubbish, broken equipment ect, as well up to 6 wheelie bins that are permanently left out on the public footpath and pavement. This creates a severe littering problem in this small area on the Welford Road stretch, between the High street and Manor road on Welford Road, because of the rubbish left out on pavements and recycling getting blown from loose rubbish and recycle boxes and other rubbish left out on street all the way down the road. There is littering ahd rubbish blown onto the pavement and into people's properties house everyday which causes heavy littering in the area it also blows into drains blocking and obstructing drains. These bins were not a permanent fixture on the road previously now they are.

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