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People performing U-turns

Reported via mobile anonymously at 18:35, Wed 3 April 2024

Sent to West Northamptonshire Council 22 hours, 31 minutes later. ref: 5803024.

Despite the signs, people still regularly pull illegal and extremely dangerous u-turns in this location. Often they’ll stop, or slow to almost a standstill, their car across the dual carriageway for waiting to complete their illegal manoeuvres. This obviously leads to many near misses and almost constant swerving to avoid collisions. There have been least 5 big accidents here in the last 12months caused by drivers performing u-turns. And many other incidents. Something really needs to be done to stop this dangerous practice continuing. Go sit there and watch for just ten minutes, obviously worse at peak times, and see just how many drivers perform this illegal and very dangerous manoeuvre.

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