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Vehicles parked daily close to a junction

Reported via mobile anonymously at 10:43, Sat 25 May 2024

Sent to West Northamptonshire Council less than a minute later. ref: 6018999.

For many years now there has been a problem with cars and vans parked at the junction of Chalcombe Rd and Harborough Rd every day in contravention of the highway code. Vehicles exiting Chalcombe Rd have to do so in the opposite lane sometimes having to see past vehicles parked on the pavement. It is highly dangerous, l have witnessed many near misses.

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  • Unfortunately, we do not have the powers to take any action against vehicles parking on the public highway unless there are parking restrictions in place which would allow us to enforce.

    I can confirm there are no parking restrictions on Chalcombe road or at either junction, therefore this is why there have been no parking wardens in this location seen. For our team to investigate the possibility of amending adding new parking restrictions we would require you to complete the attached Parking Restriction application form. Once you have completed the application form you will need to seek written support for the proposal from the Parish/Town council. Only once your application and supporting evidence has had the approval from the Parish/ Town council will it be considered as part of the annual review. Please ensure when competing the application form you provide as much detail as possible and include any additional information that might be relevant (such as photos, petitions, statement). More information can be found on the Council’s website parking/ request-new-parking-restrictions Please note that by submitting you request, the proposals are not automatically agreed and are still subject to a site assessment being undertaken by us. Parking restrictions have a Traffic Regulation Order behind them in order to make the restrictions legal and enforceable. The Council is therefore required to follow a legal process, which includes consultation and potentially a period of dealing with any objections, before parking restrictions can be implemented. This process can take up to 12 – 18 months to complete which commences from the beginning of the review process and not from receipt of application. The Official yearly review cut-off date is 31st of August, however the more submissions that are received closer to this date the longer it will take to begin the consultation processes, therefore the advised date for applications to be submitted is by 1st of August. Any requests received after 31st of August will be placed into the next yearly review.

    I also wanted to highlight, In January 2024 we extended our parking enforcement to include parking in front of dropped kerbs so our Civil Enforcement Officers are now issuing Penalty Charge Notices to any vehicles that are found to be parking in this way.

    For our Civil Enforcement Officers to issue a Penalty Charge Notice they would need to be present and observe the vehicles parking for longer than 20 minutes. Regrettably, due to the geographical area that our Enforcement Officer’s cover it is not possible to remain in one location for a prolonged period, therefore there will unfortunately always be occasions where vehicles will park in contravention of the restrictions in place without receiving a Penalty Charge Notice.

    Our enforcement officers cannot be at this location every week to monitor the vehicles so you may wish to contact the police as they would have the ability to decide on taking appropriate action against drivers that may be breaking road traffic laws and parking in a way that causes obstruction.

    Please note, should feel that road safety may be compromised by the regular inappropriate parking of vehicles at this location, we normally would suggest that initially you may wish to inform the owners of the offending vehicles, if known, and explain the concern that their parking is causing. If this suggestion is not practicable or proves ineffective and parking issues continue, then the best way forward would then be for you to contact Northamptonshire Police. Parking a vehicle inappropriately where it is deemed not possible for drivers to safely manoeuvre, pedestrians to pass unhindered along the footway or that access to public or private property is impeded, should be reported to Northamptonshire Police’s Safer Community Team on 101 or via the Northamptonshire Police website.

    It is also worth mentioning that if any particular vehicle is proven to have no road tax (members of the public can check if a vehicle is taxed and has a valid MOT on the DVLA website, or the vehicle has not moved for some time and appears to have no owner, then this would also be an police enforcement issue and can be processed as an abandoned vehicle. To report an abandoned vehicle please contact ELVIS (End of Life Vehicle Impound Scheme) on 08456 121 999, or email:

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by West Northamptonshire Council at 16:34, Tue 15 October 2024

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