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Refuse put out too early and attacked by animals overnight

Reported via desktop in the Flytipping category anonymously at 13:39, Monday 3 June 2024

Sent to West Northamptonshire Council less than a minute later. ref: 6055404.

Neighbours in Sandringham Close / King Edward Rd insist on putting out their refuse bags early, Sundays , even Saturday when actual collection day is Monday. We have cleared the rubbish left for months now as it contains nappies, cat litter and even adult size incontinence pads. These items need to be double bagged at least. Moreso if rubbish was not left out early the foxes , cats wouldn’t attack these bags. They are particularly attracted to the waste items and these are left strewn across the grass verge. This is a health hazard and looks really unsightly. It would be nice if people took responsibility and either cleared the mess that’s left or only put rubbish out ON the actual day / Monday. Generally the refuse bags are not collected til late afternoon so plenty of time and no need to put out so early as if it’s an early collection.

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  • Refuse sacks were left out too early again ! Left out Sunday when collection day is Monday ! Overnight they were attacked by animals and rubbish strewn all over. I have picked it up and re bagged but now the refuse collection has not come at all !! So fed up with this,really ruins the area. It’s a health hazard and it looks horrible ! Doesn’t help that refuse hasn’t been collected today so will probably get attacked again by animals overnight ?! Maybe wheelie bins should be provided to contain this rubbish and put an end to this frustrating problem !

    Posted anonymously at 18:23, Monday 10 June 2024

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