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Dog fouling ( shit)

Reported via Android in the Dog fouling category anonymously at 19:50, Saturday 29 June 2024

Sent to West Northamptonshire Council less than a minute later. ref: 6171285.

Hi, I live on Oat Hill Drive in Ecton Brook, and we have significant issues in the area. Many people bring their dogs to the kids' playing area, and they don't clean up after them. This is a major concern since kids play there. Yesterday, my son fell while playing and got dog feces on his hand. He was very upset, and so are we.

Additionally, the grass in the playing area is excessively long, making it difficult for kids to play freely. The current state of the playing area is unacceptable due to these issues.

I urge West Northamptonshire Council to address this problem by ensuring people clean up after their dogs and by cutting the grass as soon as possible.

Thank you Muhammad

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