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Regular dog fouling next to school gate

Reported via desktop in the Dog fouling category anonymously at 09:29, Tue 23 July 2024

Sent to West Northamptonshire Council less than a minute later. ref: 6263682.

Regular dog fouling next to school gate and along the path to Lake Walk, this happens frequently and is often in direct path of children and parents walking to and from school. A new huge pile of excrement appeared this morning, people need to be reminded of their social responsibility to pick up after their animals, especially in areas where young children gather. Appears to usually be from a large dog and is never cleared up, left there til it rots or washes away. Its disgusting and is I would say, likely from the same animal and potentially deliberate - as the poos are so large it would be impossible to overlook when walking your animal. Area needs signposting no leafleting to deal with the problem please, thank you.

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