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Reported via Android in the Flytipping category by Muhammad S Yaqub at 19:12, Tuesday 30 July 2024

Sent to West Northamptonshire Council less than a minute later. ref: 6295396.

We have really big problem, lots of peoples leave there stuff, black bins and other rubbish corner of this oat hill Drive playing field. Kids are playing there, the black bins smell really bad. This is always problem in this place, every other day someone leave there rubbish there. Could you please arrange collection for this rubbish and find a proper solution for this problem. They way you could find who leave the rubbish to install some sort of CCTv camera. Regards, MSY

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  • This car is constantly being parked on this path causing obstruction to people with buggies/ prams and people with young children getting past when taking and collecting children from the local school .

    Posted anonymously at 11:34, Tuesday 5 November 2024

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