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Parking where shouldn’t be parking

Reported via desktop in the Car parks category anonymously at 17:58, Thu 15 August 2024

Sent to West Northamptonshire Council less than a minute later. ref: 6361674.

This guy takes up two parking spaces and blocks the zig zag junction at bottom so people cannot see if anything is coming double parking isn’t allowed and everyone is allocated one parking space this is dangwrous parking as is also obstructing a footpath so everyone has to walk on the road to get around it this is at the bottom of dell crescent he also has a car parked behind his van

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  • I can confirm that we have reviewed the location and regrettably there is no enforceable restrictions present. West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) can only enforce areas which are covered by a valid traffic regulation order (TRO).

    If someone parks inappropriately but is not within an area designated by parking restrictions i.e. double yellow lines or blocking access to private parking areas, then Northamptonshire Police can enforce if there is an obstruction on the highway where it is deemed not possible for drivers to safely manoeuvre, pedestrians to pass unhindered along the footway or that access to public or private property is impeded. Therefore any concerns with obstructive parking should be reported via the local Safer Communities Team by calling the non-emergency telephone number 101 or by the following link on the Northants Police website #!/ Local

    Alternatively if you wish for restrictions to be introduced which would all enforcement by Civil Enforcement Officer (CEO) you can find all the information on our website: Request new parking restrictions | West Northamptonshire Council (

    Posted by West Northamptonshire Council at 13:57, Mon 9 September 2024

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