Poor reinstatement of footpath outside 16-26 Butts Hill Crescent, Bugbrooke, NN7 3QP
Reported via desktop in the Pothole / Failed Reinstatement category by West Northamptonshire Council at 15:23, Tuesday 1 October 2024
Sent to West Northamptonshire Council less than a minute later. ref: 6538863.
Moderated by West Northamptonshire Council at 15:29, Tuesday 1 October 2024
Poor reinstatement of footpath and verges outside 16-26 Butts Hill Crescent, Bugbrooke, NN7 3QP. The footpath and verges were repaired with concrete but this was poorly done - was not reinstated properly and has become muddy again because people keep parking over it. They did not put anything out to stop people driving and parking over it whilst the soil was being set. Should have used concrete instead of soil - now all muddy again. People need to stop parking here - often parents picking up children from school on next road. Customer also feels the potholes are being ignored and need to be repaired.
Thank you for reporting a fault. Officers will now investigate the concerns and this may take up to 5 working days. If you believe that your concerns are urgent then please phone us.
State changed to: Investigating
Posted by West Northamptonshire Council at 15:24, Tuesday 1 October 2024
Investigation: Completed (Highways to Monitor, Routine Inspection Programme) - We can confirm that highways have attended the area, and the new concrete path is the responsibility of the housing association and not for WNC highways. The parking on verges, is unfortunately something we cannot enforce, however we will request that cones are put out to deter parking.
The pothole also does not currently meet our criteria for repairs at this time.
For future enquires, we kindly ask that these are reported one by one so that we can access all individual issues correctly.
For more information about our services, please visit parking-roads-and-transport
You can also keep up to date on highways by following us on Facebook and Twitter @wnhighwaysState changed to: Closed
Posted by West Northamptonshire Council at 13:01, Tuesday
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.