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School cars blocking - yellow keep clear signs near the school and all along this section of road

Reported via desktop anonymously at 17:16, Wednesday 9 October 2024

Sent to West Northamptonshire Council less than a minute later. ref: 6572272.

There are yellow- do not park areas around the primary school at Booth Lane North, however this area is always filled with cars parking within this yellow area, morning 8.30 to 9.00 and 3:15to3.45. There is in addition , cars parked either side of the yellow area up to Churchill Avenue. Some cars even park in the driveways of houses opposite this area (27-35). This is awful! There are numerous roads off Booth Lane North near the school that would be safer but drivers are so, so lazy and nothing seems to be happening to advise them to park further away. This is an accident waiting to happen and traffic coming up or down this section of Booth Lane North are having to stop or swerve cars….this are really should be double yellow lines?

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