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Overgrown tree

Reported via mobile anonymously at 17:45, Tuesday 29 October 2024

Sent to West Northamptonshire Council less than a minute later. ref: 6673046.

This tree is huge, it overhangs on the road , path driveways, block all natural light coming in to the windows,grows close to the house and windows my son can't see out the window as all you can see as tree, it blocks all natural light and grows close to the window, it's never been trimmed back from the council since I've moved here in over 20 year ago, I have reported it before many times along with my neighbour, you come down the street and cut other tree but never this, but you do send people to take photos of it, the tree is now shedding it's leaves and would be a perfect time to trim back this massive tree as it looks less scary, the sap from the tree runiens the car parked on the driveways, and the roots are visible, this tree is a nightmare especially in winter as it blocks all light making the houses pick black, we both have children in our properties and be grateful for some help with this, the location is 40 / 42 Larkrise northampton nn3 8qt

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