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Large vehicle obstructing t-junction

Reported via mobile anonymously at 08:59, Wednesday 8 January 2025

Sent to West Northamptonshire Council less than a minute later. ref: 6948889.

There is permanently a large campervan and often other vans parked on the t-junction. This means vehicles turning right onto Orchard way are forced onto the wrong side of the road and into oncoming traffic.

As a driver, I witness near misses on a daily basis. The road is also my route taking my daughter to and from school and there was an incident on 18th December around 2:15pm where we started crossing the road on Orchard Way. We started crossing Orchard Way part way down the street and there were no moving vehicles in sight. Suddenly a car came round the corner from Dane Ridge onto Orchard Way on the wrong side of the road (because of the parked camper van) and myself and my daughter had to quickly dive out the road for our safety.

I would like to see the issue of parking on t-junctions and on corners around this area (also Southfield Rd/Dane Ridge intersect) addressed and the highway code enforced. I know Duston Parish Council have attempted to address this by putting up signage, but people just ignore it.

I have contacted the police but they have informed me this is the responsibility of the council.

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