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People driving on the path

Reported via mobile anonymously at 16:55, Monday 13 January 2025

Sent to West Northamptonshire Council less than a minute later. ref: 6974383.

People are parking on the path in the picture attached and are using the gap between the Ballard to drive throw which has almost resulted in pedestrians including my 11 year old son being run over I have witnessed this on 4-5 occasions over the last month can this gap or an additional Ballard be placed to prevent cars taking this illegal route as someone is going to get serious hurt

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  • Naturally we can understand that anybody witnessing a vehicle collision involving their child is undoubtedly an unsettling incident.

    As double yellow lines are present around this entire junction, those concerned about illegal parking at this location may consider contacting the Council’s Parking Services on 0345 680 0153 or email to for their contracted Civil Enforcement Officers to investigate.

    Parking restrictions indicated by yellow lines on the public highway apply to the road, pavements, and verges. Therefore, it is still against the law to park on the pavement by the side of yellow lines.

    Road safety matters of illegal, anti-social and inappropriate parking or hazardous motoring behaviour can also be reported to your Local Policing Team by calling the non-emergency number 101 or by following the link on the Northants Police website Keeping in touch | Northamptonshire Police ( The police can identify the owner by the registration number of the vehicle(s) and decide upon the relevant advisory or enforcement action to take. However, we have been informed that the police would only deal with parking issues where there is an immediate risk to safety and/or the parking constitutes an actual obstruction to traffic.

    If there are concerns about the pedestrian vulnerability due to poor or illegal driving behaviour, it may be that some instances are deemed to be dangerous and if captured on video/camera/dashcam, these can be reported to the Northamptonshire Police as part of their ‘Operation Snap’ campaign. The following link explains how members of the public can report driving offences in the West Northamptonshire area by filling out a form and uploading video evidence they have captured: Northamptonshire Police Secure Form (

    Posted by West Northamptonshire Council at 09:33, Friday 17 January 2025

  • Naturally we can understand that anybody witnessing a vehicle collision involving their child is undoubtedly an unsettling incident.

    As double yellow lines are present around this entire junction, those concerned about illegal parking at this location may consider contacting the Council’s Parking Services on 0345 680 0153 or email to for their contracted Civil Enforcement Officers to investigate.

    Parking restrictions indicated by yellow lines on the public highway apply to the road, pavements, and verges. Therefore, it is still against the law to park on the pavement by the side of yellow lines.

    Road safety matters of illegal, anti-social and inappropriate parking or hazardous motoring behaviour can also be reported to your Local Policing Team by calling the non-emergency number 101 or by following the link on the Northants Police website Keeping in touch | Northamptonshire Police ( The police can identify the owner by the registration number of the vehicle(s) and decide upon the relevant advisory or enforcement action to take. However, we have been informed that the police would only deal with parking issues where there is an immediate risk to safety and/or the parking constitutes an actual obstruction to traffic.

    If there are concerns about the pedestrian vulnerability due to poor or illegal driving behaviour, it may be that some instances are deemed to be dangerous and if captured on video/camera/dashcam, these can be reported to the Northamptonshire Police as part of their ‘Operation Snap’ campaign. The following link explains how members of the public can report driving offences in the West Northamptonshire area by filling out a form and uploading video evidence they have captured: Northamptonshire Police Secure Form (

    Posted by West Northamptonshire Council at 16:05, Tuesday 21 January 2025

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