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Parking outside Wootton Primary School, Wootton , NN4

Reported via mobile anonymously at 15:24, Tuesday 14 January 2025

Sent to West Northamptonshire Council less than a minute later. ref: 6979269.

Parking on double yellow lines, obstructing a roundabout. Does it on a regular basis.

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  • Same issue today - Wed 22nd Jan 2025. Was challenged by another road user who was trying to use the roundabout to turn back down High Street towards Quinton Road.

    Posted anonymously at 15:51, Wednesday 22 January 2025

  • Thank you for raising your concerns with inconsiderate parking, I can confirm that we have passed on your feedback to our contractor who will endeavour to factor in the location into their patrols when possible and enforce where necessary.

    It must be noted that our Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs) may only issue a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) if a vehicle is parked in contravention of restrictions in place covered by a valid traffic regulation order. If a vehicle is parked dangerously but not parked in contravention of a restriction, then regrettably our CEO’s would be unable to assist and dangerous parking must be reported to Northamptonshire Police who would be able to assist with dangerously parked vehicles.

    I would however explain that when a vehicle is observed parked on a double yellow lines restriction the CEOs must allow a 5-minute observation period before issuing a PCN. We often find that the motorist returns during this short period and a PCN cannot be issued.

    Due to the geographical area our enforcement officers cover it is not possible to remain in one location for a prolonged periods and there will always be occasions where vehicles will park in contravention of the restrictions in place without receiving a PCN. It is however hoped that their increased presence makes a noticeable difference in the future as whilst issuing a PCN does not immediately resolve the parking issues described as we cannot remove vehicles, it is hoped that drivers will refrain from parking in contravention on future visits.

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by West Northamptonshire Council at 15:05, Friday 24 January 2025

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